Event Management
Event Management Local Keyword Data in Top US Cities
Wondering what Event Management niche is up to?
Well, here we share some interesting data based on our research in the TOP 20 US cities that have over 700,000 population and more.
So based on our research here is what we can tell you about the Event Management niche:
Event Management
40 Average Search Volume
$0.78 Average CPC
CPC Budget
$96 Required Budget
US Event Management Market Size
$538.6 Billion
The US event management market size was valued at USD 94.8 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 538.6 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 13.0% from 2021 to 2030.
Growth Potential:
This growth is driven by the rising popularity of events and conferences, increased business event hosting, and a demand for personalized event experiences.
Our Opinion on "Event Management" Keyword
We think this niche is quite valuable, as here we have a favorable risk-to-reward ratio.
So, if you have let's say $3,000 monthly budget, with properly used proven strategies, after 6 months, for $18,000 spendings, you can get 2-3 clients and in a month or 2 bring your spent money back.
As you can see in the Google Trends screenshot, Event Management keyword is quite popular in Iowa, so we recommend to go for the top 5 states first!
Recommended SEO Budget
In order to be able to compete in this niche, any business owner should be looking to invest at least 5000 USD per month, otherwise anything less than that will potentially be a waste of money, time and energy.
Niche SEO Difficulty: Highly competitive niche
For more specific information please check the table below!
Event Management in Top 20 Cities
Required Budget
Average KW Targeting
Event Management New York210$1.650.23$104$520
Event Management Los Angeles90$1.220.21$33$165
Event Management Chicago260$1.960.11$153$764
Event Management Houston20$1.000.23$6$30
Event Management Phoenix10$0.000.32$0$0
Event Management Philadelphia10$0.590.21$2$9
Event Management San Antonio10$0.000.11$0$0
Event Management San Diego30$1.820.37$16$82
Event Management Dallas30$2.290.48$21$103
Event Management Austin20$0.750.25$5$23
Event Management Jacksonville0$0.000$0$0
Event Management San Jose10$0.000.5$0$0
Event Management Fort Worth0$0.000$0$0
Event Management Columbus0$0.000$0$0
Event Management Charlotte10$0.000.29$0$0
Event Management Indianapolis10$0.000.24$0$0
Event Management San Francisco50$2.090.29$31$157
Event Management Seattle20$2.280.67$14$68
Event Management Denver10$0.000.35$0$0
Event Management Oklahoma City0$0.000$0$0
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